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The Creator

Enjoys creating new ideas and things. Relies on feelings, imagination and inspiration. Likes to work with IDEAS and THINGS.


Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
Architecture, Art & Design
Computer & Information Technology
Apparel & Accessories
Government, Non-Profit & Public Service
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Defense & Space
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Architecture, Art & Design
Food & Beverage
Architecture, Art & Design
Marketing and Advertising
Architecture, Art & Design
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Community & Social Service
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Food & Beverage
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Consumer Goods
Apparel & Accessories
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Food & Beverage
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Architecture, Art & Design
Community & Social Service
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Apparel & Accessories
Apparel & Accessories
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
Food & Beverage
Computer & Information Technology
Architecture, Art & Design
Community & Social Service
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Hospitality, Personal Care & Tourism
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Community & Social Service
Architecture, Art & Design
Apparel & Accessories
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Banking & Financial Services
Community & Social Service
Defense & Space
Marketing and Advertising
Government, Non-Profit & Public Service
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Government, Non-Profit & Public Service
Architecture, Art & Design
Community & Social Service
Architecture, Art & Design
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Government, Non-Profit & Public Service
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Architecture, Art & Design
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Apparel & Accessories
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Apparel & Accessories
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Architecture, Art & Design
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Other Professional Services
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Architecture, Art & Design
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Government, Non-Profit & Public Service
Architecture, Art & Design
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Architecture, Art & Design
Apparel & Accessories
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports
Entertainment, Media & Sports

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Spring 2020 Transportation Design graduate, Tianxu Zhi created this video self portrait of highlights from life and work.
Two days after graduating from ArtCenter with a degree in Transportation Design, Daniel Jimenez started a full-time job designing exteriors at Nissan. The work, he says, requires him to be a "professional dreamer" who predicts the trends that are coming ten years down the road.
Ting Wu's worldview as a Tibetan Buddhist, and her work as an Associate User Experience Designer at Hulu, are grounded in empathy and understanding of others. Studying Interaction Design at ArtCenter helped her develop the skills necessary to align business goals with user needs at one of the fastest-growing streaming services in the world.
"The Studio" at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a collection of designers, artists, makers, strategists and thinkers who collaborate with scientists to illuminate the darkest corners of the universe. Alum Lois Kim was hired directly upon graduating from ArtCenter's Graphic Design program, fully equipped with the advanced skills in motion, rendering, texture, animation and story-boarding necessary to tackle the extensive design challenges that space exploration requires.